I sometimes visit a candy dish that my co-worker maintains outside her office. One day I decided to leave her a Thank You card, with a note saying how much I appreciated her candy. She was so grateful!

In the midst of a tough project, I could tell that one of my employees wasn’t feeling recognized for all the work she’d been putting in. The You Rock card I gave her made her smile that day, and is still on her desk two years later.

Below are four ways to use Kindness Cards in the workplace.

Maintain Focus and Motivation
Each day (or as needed), pick a message that feels supportive of what you are working on. Display it where you can see it, carry it with you, or commit it to memory so it stays with you as you go through the ups and downs of the work day.

Strengthen Relationships
Cards are a great way to recognize, acknowledge, and support the people you work with. Pay attention to opportunities, like:

  • They’re having a rough day

  • They’re celebrating a milestone (birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.)

  • They went above and beyond to help you

  • They won an award, or experienced a success

  • You learn of a personal or professional challenge they are facing

  • You simply like, admire, or appreciate them

Enable Authentic Conversations
Leaders and managers can use cards to help build a sense of openness and connection when talking about things that matter, including challenges, changes, and milestones. One way is to lay out a set of cards at the beginning of a meeting or retreat. (The Personal Growth Kits are especially good for this.) Invite each person to take a card and briefly explain why it is feels relevant to them at the moment.

Involve Your Colleagues
Put out a selection of cards in a common area. Let people know that they are available for anyone’s use, and encourage them to experiment.